Monday, February 22, 2010

Form Follows Technology

So, swaying away from controversial topics and maybe towards something I might have more knowledge about.

In 1896, American Architect Louis Sullivan coined the phrase "Form Follows Function". This phrase became closely associated with 20th century modernism and functionalism. The principle was that the shape of a building should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose. "Form Follows Function" along with "Ornamentation is Crime" (Adolf Loos, Austrian, 1908) influenced the thoughts of a generation of architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Alvar Aalto, Mies van der Rohe, etc,. It continues to influence architects and is considered a vital juncture in the history of architecture. It was the defining driving force of modernism until Robert Venturi's book "Complexities and Contradictions" gave rise to a new brand of thinking now labeled as 'Post-Modernism'.

Over a hundred years later a prodigious roommate of mine (Ruqun Uddin Bhuiya, Bangladeshi, 2008) put his twist on it and said "Form Follows Technology". While he said it in the most casual of tones, I instantly knew he was onto something there. The current generation of architects look to exploit computer technology and embrace the inconceivable/impossible. This upcoming generation of architects implement algorithmic, geometric and parametric functions to derive a CG form. One in which the designer establishes parameters and uses formulae to derive a multitude of design permutations and combinations. One in which the the architect can see a computer generate the design and the only control an architect can exercise is on its parameters.

The following videos and pictures are exmples of generative and parametric design in architecture and urban design. I would especially like to hear from Kunal and Wajid considering their expertise in CG & FX.


  1. Ruqun's reference is hilarious. This reminds of one of the architecture profs. at SCAD (Ming Tang) who took a lighting & Rendering class with me. He was really into algorithmic based architectural design and was always experimenting with MEL scripting in Maya to get similar results. Looking at his website ( - his interest in this almost seems obsessive compulsive haha. Btw interesting article!

  2. Yeah, it seems to be the direction architecture is taking. If I'm correct it is Columbia University's GSAPP that started integrating computer coding into architectural design. It has sucessfully made the transition from academia to industry since then.

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