Friday, February 26, 2010

The future of web search

A peek into the future – Google's Goggles

The way we search the web is set to be revolutionized by including methods such as image recognition in our search. The first steps seems to have been taken. Meet Google's new visual search engine, Goggles which lets you search by using a image captured by your phone camera.

Already a working app on the Andriod, it would soon reach the iPhone app store and other smartphones. Till now search has worked by matching tags that describe the webpage. The intelligent algorithms then would scourge and give you the best possible results for your search. Taking this a step further, voice search converts words (input as voice) into text and then searches the web.

Image recognition works by matching features and not words, which would be a huge leap in search technology. These matches are than used to give descriptions and even matching to tags. As this is just the beginning, the potential applications and implication would be immense. The first steps seems to be taken by google, but if others get onto this bandwagon and combine it with query based searches, we would see a new leader emerge. And that would have Mountain View on its toes.

Lets wait and watch.


  1. well that's just plain convincing me to get an iphone :D when's the next gen coming out?

  2. i SO agree with h this idea. was in fact extollin it to a few friend of mine then i stumble across it here!
